Information on what the Children with Disabilities Team do and how they can help.

Children and Families Practice are part
of Milton Keynes Council Children and Families Service.

The EHC Plan will provide the same statutory protection as the Statement of Special Educational Needs.

Information on what a personal health budget is and how to get it.

Information on how some children can qualify for free home to school transport.

Information on the Short Breaks Voucher scheme.

Information on what is Local Offer.

The move away from children’s health and support services and towards adult service provision.

A parent forum which aims to give parent carers a voice in the development and improvement of local services.

Safeguarding is the action that is taken to promote the welfare of children and protect them from harm.

A step-by-step guide lauched by PACAMK, written for parent by parents, includes useful links to local resources and contacts.