Photo/Video Consent Form

Carers MK is committed to raising awareness of carers, carer’s issues and the work that we do to support carers.

As part of our awareness raising work we may use promotional materials including but not limited to leaflets, posters, newsletters, websites, videos and display materials.

We may wish to use photographs and/or video footage in which you may appear for our promotional materials.

Please indicate below by ticking the relevant box whether or not you give consent for us to use photographs and/or video footage in which you may appear for promotional purposes.

    Full Consent – I give consent for Carers MK to use photographs and/or video footage in which I may appear for ANY promotional purposes.No Consent – I do NOT give permission for Carers MK to use photographs and/or video footage in which I may appear for promotional purposes.Consent With Limitations – I give permission for Carers MK to use photographs and/or video footage in which I may appear but only for SOME purposes

    If you selected ‘Consent With Limitations’, please select which of the following you give consent to
    LeafletsPostersNewslettersWebsitesVideoDisplay materialsAny other media promotional purposes

    I understand that I can amend or withdraw my consent at any time by contacting Carers MK.

    Name of person to whom this consent relates (required)

    If you are a parent or legal guardian and you are signing this consent form on behalf of a child then please provide your name and relationship.

