Workshop Feedback Form

We hope that you found your workshop/training course beneficial. It would be helpful if you could take a moment to fill in the form below to let us know how the session has helped you and whether there are any aspects that you feel could be improved upon or changed.

    Name of workshop/training (required)

    Date of workshop/training (required)

    Facilitator name (required)

    Please highlight how low or high you rated the service overall (1 = lowest 5 = highest)

    Course content was clearly explained

    Timing of course was well spaced out

    Did the course meet your expectations?

    How much has your knowledge of the subject increased as a result of the course?

    How did you rate your trainer?

    What did you find most useful about the course?

    What did you find least useful about the course?

    Any further comments?

    Name (optional)

    Do you consent to this information being shared with the facilitator?