Young Carers Data Protection Form

Carers MK complies with current Data Protection legislation. This form and the information it holds will be transferred to our secure database, along with all records of any work we do with you.

  • Carers MK guarantee that all information will be stored safely and securely.
  • Carers MK will not pass on your data to a third party without your consent, unless there is a legal reason or a risk of harm.
  • All information which we hold will be kept in line with the Data Protection legislation including General Data Protection Regulations introduced in May 2018.
  • You can have access to and request us to delete data we hold about you, if you wish.

    Young person’s first name (required)

    Young person’s last name (required)

    I agree for Carers MK to share my information with schools. (required)

    I agree for Carers MK to share my contact details with third party organisations (e.g. Support Group volunteers/Young Carers drivers). (required)

    I agree that Carers MK can invite my child to be seen at a school drop in by a young carer support worker. (required)

    I agree to photos being taken by Carers MK, which may be used in local publications, on our notice boards or on our website to promote the work that Young Carers MK do. These images will not be used for anything which may be used as negative in tone or that may cause offence, embarrassment, or distress for the family. (required)

    I agree that Carers MK can contact me using the following methods (required)

    By signing below you are agreeing for Carers MK to hold and share this personal information.

    Signed by (required)

    Please tick if this form has been filled in by a young adult carer aged over 18.

    Today’s date (required)