This winter, Milton Keynes Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) is working with health and social care partners to implement the national NHS winter pressures campaign: ‘Help Us, Help You’ (HUHY), the aim of which is to:

  • Help the public/carers understand how they can stay well this winter
  • Encourage the public/carers to access appropriate services
  • Reduce NHS winter pressures, especially for urgent care services

The winter campaign involves the following key messages.

Winter Response ‘Help Us, Help You – Before It Gets Worse’

Carers and those they care for are encouraged to take the following measures to avoid the need to access healthcare services this winter: taking available advice to help with self-care, including avoidance of falls, eating well, keeping warm, keeping a well-stocked medicine cabinet at home and managing a winter illness.

Flu vaccination ‘Help Us, Help You – Stay Well this Winter’

Eligible groups (people aged 65 and over, pregnant women, those with underlying health conditions, children (aged 2-10) are being encouraged to take up the offer of a free flu vaccination to ensure they are protected. The CCG is also encouraging carers who have not yet had their flu jab to ensure they are protected:

NHS 111 ‘Help Us, Help You – Know What to Do’

When needing help, carers and those they care for are encouraged to make the right choice of service by increasing the number of people contacting NHS 111 when they have an urgent, but non-life-threatening, medical need so that they can be directed to the most appropriate service, helping to reduce the number of people unnecessarily attending the Urgent Care Centre, A&E or calling 999 with non-serious or non-life-threatening conditions.

GP Access ‘Help Us, Help You – When You Need It’

The CCG is reminding carers and those they care for that additional urgent GP appointments will be available in core hours during the festive period between Christmas and New Year, as well as extended GP hours available at evenings and weekends.  Patients can access an evening appointment at one of five hubs in Milton Keynes from 6:30pm – 8pm, Monday to Friday and weekend appointments on Saturday and Sunday from 8am – 8pm:

Pharmacy Advice ‘Help Us, Help You – Get It Seen To’

Carers and those they care for are reminded that community pharmacists, who are trained clinicians, can help with a wide range of minor illnesses and should be considered for healthcare advice in the first instance.

The CCG Self Care Group has produced a useful Winter Leaflet which can be found here:

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