Milton Keynes Macular Society Support Group
Milton Keynes Macular Society Support Group offer practical and emotional support to anyone with central vision loss from any macular condition, as well as to their family and friends. They have a programme with a variety of speakers, as well as social meetings and there is always time to share experiences and problems with others who understand this hidden disability.

Coffee morning: 1st Tuesday of each month from 10am – 12pm, in John Lewis restaurant, turn left from the lift or escalator, they meet at the back, drop in and stay for as long as you like. Someone will carry your coffee if needed.
Monthly meeting: 2nd Tuesday of each month from 2pm – 4pm at Centrecom Meeting Place, 602 North Row (Behind MK Library), Secklow Gate West, Central Milton Keynes, MK9 3BJ.
They have a speaker nine times a year and three social meetings: April and August include a game or quiz with prizes and a raffle and December usually has an entertainment and raffle.
Lunch out: 3rd Tuesday of February, June and October
They also run occasional other social events
Contact: Mrs. Maggie Weston, Milton Keynes Macular Society Support Group Leader and Volunteer Speaker, on 01908 319292 or email.
You can visit the Macular Society website.
Tuesday 12th September: All Things Macular
Our annual general discussion, led by Maggie, on macular conditions, to share information, and your hints and tips on managing sight loss, let’s see how many we come up with!
Tuesday 10th October: Murders In Buckinghamshire
Today a fascinating and entertaining talk from Len Woodley, retired policeman and author, also a group member.
Tuesday 17th October: Barn Beefeater lunch
Meet 12.30pm for 1pm.
Tuesday 14th November: Age UK
Caroline Ramswell, Information Services Coordinator for Milton Keynes will update us on the wide variety of services which the organisation offers to our local community.
Tuesday 12th December: Our pre-Christmas meeting
Seasonal refreshments, raffle and lively entertainment by David Meek, of SingingXtra, known to some of you for Voices:mk held in Centrecom on Monday mornings.
Telephone support group for Buckinghamshire
*From September this will amalgamate with the Midlands group, contact details are the same.
Third Thursday of each month from 10.30am – 11.30am
These are not just for people who cannot get to meetings but for anyone who might like something extra during the month. Host: Lucinda Hardy, Peer Support Coordinator for North of England. The number to call to join the meeting is 01264 560 294, PIN 1. For more information contact Lucinda on 07517 544 027 or email.
Macular Society Artists Telephone Group – Fourth Friday of September and November, 10.30am – 11.30pm.
By telephone conference call for all artists at whatever level, so if you think your vision loss means you cannot express yourself in this way, this group is for you. To join in phone: 01264 560 517 PIN 1. For more information please contact Carl Harrison on 07920 054 509 or email.
Introduction to Eccentric Viewing Via Zoom Monthly
Skills for Seeing team talk through helpful resources; guidance on lighting; low vision aids; and how to get started with eccentric viewing and steady eye strategy. Sessions are interactive, with plenty of time for questions. Family members and carers are welcome and encouraged to attend too. For more information on dates and to book: 01264 326 622 or email.
Here is a link to a previous episode: Skills for Seeing: Eccentric viewing and steady eye strategy – Macular Society
All below are via Zoom:
- Diabetic Macular Oedema Support Group: Meets 3rd Wednesday of each month at 7pm.
- Myopic Macular Degeneration Support Group: Meets 2nd Tuesday of each month at 7pm.
- Sorsby Support Group: Meets 3rd Monday of each month at 7pm.
- Bests Disease Support Group: Meets last Monday of each month at 7pm.
For more information about these last four groups please contact Colin Daniels on 07494 467 995 or email.