What is an Educational Health and Care Plan (EHC)?

The EHC Plan will provide the same statutory protection as the Statement of Special Educational Needs (SEN), but can cover children and young people from 0 – 25 and will be holistic and centred on the child or young person’s needs. The EHC Plan will set out your child or young person’s educational, health and care needs, and the provision they require in order to make progress.

Who are EHC Plans for?

They are for children and young people with long term and complex needs that are impacting on their ability to access learning and develop independence between 0 – 25 years old.

How do I apply for an EHC Plan?

A request for an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHC Plans) will generally only be made once support has already been put in place through the child or young person’s setting/school.

When will statements of SEN be changed to EHC Plans?

All Local Authorities are required to convert existing Statements into EHC Plans between September 2014 and March 2018.

It is essential that the process enables a person centred approach, ensuring that the plan is holistic and that parents and young people are involved as equal partners and that their voice is central to the process.

What is a personal budget?

A personal budget is an amount of money or resources available in order to deliver the outcomes set out in an EHC Plan. The total personal budget should be made clear to parent/carers and young people so they can be involved in all decision making in order to choose the right provision to best meet the outcomes identified in the child or young person’s care plan.  Personal budgets aim to give parents and young people more control over the support their child receives and enable flexible approach to achieving goals.

What if I disagree or am unhappy with how my child’s case is being managed?

If you disagree with any part of the Proposed EHC Plan you should talk to your SEN Caseworker. You can also:

  • Talk to MK SEND IAS on 01908 254518 – an impartial source of information, advice and support.
  • Consider independent mediation, Global Mediation offers further
  • You can also access an independent Supporter through the Pre-School Learning Alliance on 01908 263700.

If no resolution is reached, the final plan will be issued and you will have the right of Appeal to the SEN tribunal.