Carers Support at Milton Keynes University Hospital

We know that when the person you care for goes into hospital it can be a particularly stressful time for carers. We are working closely with the wards and departments in the hospital to ensure that support is given to carers whilst the person they care for is in hospital.

Carers MK supports unpaid carers in Milton Keynes University Hospital by providing you and those you care for with information, advice and emotional support. You can access this support whilst the person you care for is in hospital and they will continue to receive our support once the person they look after is discharged back to the community.

How we are currently working

With the help of NHS staff, we seek to identify new and existing carers at this critical point when you are in hospital supporting the person you care for.

We are working from home and occasionally on-site, liaising closely with NHS staff and social care teams. We can advise you on current hospital visiting protocols and infection and control measures, and help you understand the hospital process and discharge planning as it unfolds. We offer telephone information, advice and emotional support, signposting to a wide variety of practical support, also advising on the full range of carer issues. Even after the hospital discharge, once you are registered with us, Carers MK will continue to support you through each phase of your caring role, however long it may last.

Contact us

Our Hospital Support Worker, Claire Rolland, is available Monday – Friday and can be contacted on 01908 231703 or via email


We welcome Carers MK being based at Milton Keynes University Hospital for direct access for our patients and families. They are ideally positioned in our new main entrance allowing easy access for advice and support. Since Carers MK have been providing services at the hospital this has significantly improved the support for carers and families who are concerned about supporting their family member at home and in the community once they leave hospital.
Lisa Knight
Director of Patient Care and Head Nurse MKUH
The Dementia team make regular referrals to Carers MK and we think your service is very flexible, friendly and effective. Often we come across relatives who are main carers but have not heard about Carers MK and after they meet you they feel there is support available in community if they need it. It is also great that we now have an office in the Main Entrance for carers to pop in to have a chat or ask for support. Carers MK focuses on the importance of supporting carers and acknowledging the amazing care they provide. We would like to continue working closely with Carers MK especially since we recognise the importance of carers’ involvement in our patients care delivery.
The Dementia Team
Milton Keynes University Hospital

Are you caring for someone?

Do you look after someone who cannot manage without you because they are ill, frail or have a disability? 

If so, you are a carer and Carers MK can help you.